Western Aust

Knit4Charities WA

The WA branch of knit4charities supports local charities throughout Western Australia.

Members knit, crochet and sew articles of clothing, blankets, toys etc - whatever is required - and donated them free of charge to people in need throughout the community. We also support animal rescue and wildlife rescue groups.

Joining us means you can indulge in your love of craft and help those in need at the same time.


Contact Details:

Location: Western Australia
Group Link: K4CWA+subscribe@knit4charities.groups.io

Knit4Charities Western Australia

The WA branch of knit4charities supports local charities throughout Western Australia.

Members knit, crochet and sew articles of clothing, blankets, toys etc - whatever is required - and donated them free of charge to people in need throughout the community. We also support animal rescue and wildlife rescue groups.

Joining us means you can indulge in your love of craft and help those in need at the same time.